Friday, May 2, 2008

Almost There!

I had to write and tell you guys how excited I am. I finally reached my half-way mark! I have now lost 15 lbs and only 15 more to go until I reach my goal. I've been working at this for 4 months now and it's been slow going but I really think that sometimes our bodies try to hold on to the weight and it makes it really hard to lose anything. Persistence, and the fact that my husband is obsessed with this diet, is finally paying off. I hope everyone else is succeeding in their weight loss goals. Let's keep the conversation moving. How are you guys doing?

1 comment:

also known as shell said...

hey found you off the bettes blog. WAY TO GO!!! I am too in the goal of losing my final 10lbs... I've lost 20 so far. If you want to check out my weight loss blog its the "get strong" one.

Congrats on 15!!! that is awesome.